5 Reasons Why Travel in Your 30's is Better
Whenever I first started traveling I was in my mid-twenties. I was young, full of energy and excited about EVERYTHING and I went at all the things full force.
young-ish me. Morocco, 2013.
young me. Thailand, 2012.
Now, with that being said, let me tell you why traveling in your thirties is, to me, a better experience. Obviously everyone’s experiences and opinions are their own but hear me out. So many people feel that traveling is a young person’s game; meant only for gap years and post grads looking to find their purpose in life. Oftentimes those of us who have passed through our 20’s without having left the country might feel we’ve missed the travel boat and it’s time to leave that part of our life behind us. When people think of traveling they might envision young 20-somethings partying in Ibiza or riding motorcycles through Vietnam and feel that they aren’t up for the challenge. But I am here to tell you why traveling in your thirties is where it’s at and why you shouldn’t hang your pack up just yet.
not-so-young me. Ecuador, 2018.
Traveling, as a nearly 33 year old, is still exciting but here I am less full of energy and a little more realistic about things. Below you’ll find a list of why you should be stoked to either continue traveling into your thirties or to pick up your guidebook and start your first adventures!
just me & a dancing statue. Germany, 2018.
1.) You feel more confident about yourself and what you’re capable of doing. —> You have survived your twenties! Congrats! Now here you are solidly in your thirties with a greater understanding of what you are capable of handling. You’re no longer afraid of tackling public transit on your own nor are you afraid to speak up for yourself when it comes to what you need, questions you have, etc. When I was in my twenties it was hard for me to speak up for myself. Now I’ve had plenty of opportunities to practice and I can confidently ask for help when I need it.
2.) You don’t feel the pressure to party all night long—> Not every young traveler feels or has felt this but I sure did. I had some major FOMO back in the day and it was real. If my other young counterparts went out to the local island bar or club, I felt compelled to join them even if I didn’t really want to. Now, I feel comfortable with my decision to stay back and read a book on the terrace of my AirBnB or to just stroll the streets. It’s okay to say no and that took a long time to finally realize and become comfortable with that action.
Germany, 2018.
3.) Speaking of partying, you know your limits—> You’ve had your fair share of rough nights and now, thankfully, you know your limits. It’s a wonderful thing to be knowledgeable about when enough is enough. I should know. I’m looking at you, Thailand. Whew.
Mexico, 2018.
4.) You have more money—> By the time you’ve reached your thirties, chances are you’re making more money than you did when you were in your twenties and you can use that money for more experiences while traveling. When we’re just starting off with our jobs, we make a pittance comparatively and that doesn’t leave much for traveling. If you do get to travel, you’re staying in hostels and sleeping on couches. Now, I am not discrediting that because that, in itself, is an extremely valuable experience to be had but now we’re in our thirties and our backs hurt and we need a place to put our travel TUMS.
5.) You travel with quality people—> We all have those people that we were friends with in our twenties that we no longer talk to. Whether you drifted apart or you broke it off, almost everyone has had that experience. It’s a normal, expected and important part of growing up and moving forward. The good part of traveling in your thirties is that now you’re traveling with top quality BFF’s. Chances are you’ve found your small group of people who you really see yourself moving through life with and you’d love to travel with them. What a gift that is!
So, my friends, whether you’re just starting out on your adventures or you’re continuing into your thirties, forties, fifties and beyond, be happy that you are giving yourself this gift of travel and know that it is never too late to throw on your pack and grab your passport. Those young 20 somethings don’t get to have all the fun! We’re out there living it up too! I just, like, have to go to bed by 9:00pm because I’m tired.
Travel on!